Why subscribe?

Because you wanna make it, obviously.

Stay up-to-date with crypto and NFTs

If you’re curious about crypto and NFTs, but you don’t wanna spend 209 hours a week on Twitter and watching news to keep up with what’s going on, this is the newsletter for you.

Understand what you’re reading (probably)

Lots of crypto/NFT newsletters aren’t really for the curious, they’re for the people who know what the term “liquidity pool” means and can understand technical analysis. While this is fine, if we’re all gonna make it, we need a common human’s newsletter. Where you can get a clear what is it and why does it matter?

Watch the culture unfold

Did you know that lots of people are buying pictures of penguins for $20,000 dollars? Now that you do, do you need another reason to subscribe?

If you subscribe, every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox, so join the family. Let’s all make it together.

So…wanna make it?

Subscribe to We're All Gonna Make It

Join .9 other subscribers for a Morning Brew-ish newsletter for the crypto and NFT curious.


Word nerd, freelance UX writer, crypto, 🍞, creative writer, lazy editor-in-cherf of the NGMI? newsletter.